Our Mission
Mobile Crisis Construction (MCC) exists to accelerate a return to normality in disaster zones by deploying mobile block factories that crush rubble to be pressed into recycled, interlocking blocks for the rapid rebuilding of shelter and critical infrastructure.

A Global Solution
Mobile Building Technology for Rebuilding Disaster Zones
- MCC repurposes rubble to form interlocking blocks or pavers.
- The Mobile Factory consists of standard block making machinery, modified to allow it to operate in a 20-foot container.
- Blocks are certified to local design requirements including Earthquake and Cyclone resistance.
A Rapid Response
Shelter Where it is Needed, Anywhere in the World
- Block factory producing 30 to 40 tonnes blocks or pavers per 8 hour shift
- Enough blocks in one week to build one school or medical centre, 3 large houses or 10 small joined houses
- Training of local staff for all areas of operation
- Supply lead time of 12 weeks to anywhere in the globe
- Local materials mix recipe development by specialist Materials Engineers

Focusing on Ukraine
The current focus of MCC is to send block factories into Ukraine, rebuilding critical infrastructure providing emergency shelter to those displaced by the ongoing war with Russia, by repurposing rubble, rubbish and waste into modular bricks.
Each mobile factory requires AU $120,000 to be shipped to Ukraine, arriving ready to be fully operational with minimal local input.
MCC will establish the initial rebuilding efforts in a relatively safe area near Kiev, and expand operations into other areas as needed, dependent on funding.
Video: Preparing for
Ukraine Deployment
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